Saturday, September 11, 2010


No matter how hard life is,
I will never stop.

No matter what happens,
I will never quit.

No matter how many tears I shed,
I will always smile.

No matter where I am,
I will always come home.

No matter who I meet,
I will always remember who I am.

No matter how high the mountain,
I will always make it to the top.

No matter how discouraging,
I will never give up.


You sit and watch, waiting to hear what the doctor has to say.
With him sitting right beside you, you wouldn’t want it any other way.

You can’t believe your ears
the news you never expected to hear.

He has cancer, you hear the doctor say,
“From now on I would cherish each and every day.”

You watch the Chemo dripping in,
as he fights the battle you pray to win.

You hear the words, “ He is gone.”
And wonder how will I go on?

Seeing him so weak,
the end he wanted to seek.

Not once did he complain, not once did he cry
so why was it him that had to die?

So he is gone,
and you don’t know how to go on.

But all you can do now,
is what you know how.

And help those who can’t help themselves.
~Lindsey Nye